Profile Options

In the Profile Options tab of CustomOptions you can setup the options of CustomTools which applies with your currently active database profile.

Where to find the Profile Options:

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Profile Options tab.

CustomTools Products:

CustomTools Profile Options:

  Available in
Options Node Description SOLIDWORKS Add-In CustomTools Viewer Administration Tool
Projects Setup the default filenaming rules and the default CustomProperty values for the projects. These settings applies to all documents included to specific projects.
Sequences Add automatic sequences e.g. for document numbering.
CustomProperties Manage the CustomProperties which are available to define for your documents:
Model Properties CustomProperties related to the model documents (parts, assemblies).
Drawing Properties CustomProperties related to the drawing documents.
Cut List Properties Cut List related CustomProperties.
  Version Properties Document revision related CustomProperties.
  Custom Scope Properties CustomProperties that are used to write matrix data into the documents.
  Custom Entity Properties The custom entities are data collections, which are used to centralize the customer specific data into the one place where it is easy to find.
  Custom Entity Settings The Custom Entity Settings are options where you can define the data structure used to store the customer specific data into the database.
Lookup lists Specifies the value collections which can be used e.g. as a source of the CustomProperty value.
Combination Properties You can include more than one CustomProperty into the same combination.
Model Combination Model related CustomProperty combinations.
Drawing Combination Drawing related CustomProperty combinations.
  Weldment Combination CustomProperty combinations of the weldment components.
RAL Color Color settings which are based on the RAL Color System.
Color User defined colors.
Batch Job Set the drawing related CustomProperty where the component quantity is written to on the CustomTools batch operation.
Print Properties Options to setup the batch printing profiles and their related printer settings.
Sheet Format Action Options to setup the actions to perform for the drawing sheet format on the CustomTools batch job.    
  Layer Definitions Options to setup the visible/hidden drawing language layers on the CustomTools batch operation.    
File Conversion Options to setup the batch file conversion rules.    
Database Search Groups Options to create links to the external data sources as the Database Search Groups. The external data source links defined here can be used to retrieve key value pairs into the lookup lists. You can use these links also to create CustomProperties linked to the external data source.
Materials Options to setup your CustomTools materials. Use these materials to set the component material in the CustomProperties.
Export Profiles Options to setup the export profiles that could be used with the Export feature.
CNC Tool Options Options to setup the CNCTool feature.
CoBox Options Options to setup the CoBox feature.

Related Topics

Sequence Options
Lookup Lists
RAL Colors
User defined colors
Batch Job
Add Materials
Edit Material

Configure your CustomTools database basic options in the CustomTools Database options
Configure your user specific options in the CustomTools User options

Tutorial: Using Sequences
Tutorial: Create a Print Profile
Tutorial: Create a Rule For The Batch Conversion
Tutorial: Combined CustomProperty Values
Tutorial: Revision Table

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