Layer Definitions

Layer Definition options are used to attach the sets of layers together. The layer sets acts like they were assigned into the groups. Layer definitions can be used with CustomTools batch operations to define properties to be printed to the output drawings.

Where to find the Layer Definitions options:

The Layer Definitions options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Layer Definitions options.

CustomTools Products:

Defining layers:

Layer definitions are listed in the table.

Name Name of the layer definition. This name appears also into the Layer Definitions tab in the CustomPrint dialog box.
On by default Shows if the layer definition is set to be selected by default in the CustomPrint.

New Creates new layer definition.
Edit Edit selected layer definition.
Delete Removes the selected layer definition.

Layer definition properties:

Specify the desired layers visibility in the selected Layer definition.

Layer name Name of the layer available in the drawing. The layer name could be typed also by the user.
On/Off Determines the status of the layer.
Info NOTE: Please notice that the self typed Layer name have to exist from the drawings printed using the layer definition.
ON Layer is enabled.
OFF Layer is disabled.
New Creates new layer to definition properties. New line appears into the Layer definition properties list.
Delete Removes the selected layer from the definition.
ReadFromFile Opens the Open dialog box.

Locate the desired SOLIDWORKS drawing document with the Open dialog. The existing layers are read from the selected drawing excluding the Language layers.

The layers read from an external file are set as enabled by default.

Related Topics

Using batch processes with the CustomTools PrintAndConvert feature
Create new definition
Edit layer definition

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