File Conversion Options

File conversion rules defines the settings for the different batch file conversions. You can scope the rules e.g. for the specific type of documents.

Where to find the File Conversion options:

The File Conversion options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the File Conversion options.

CustomTools Products:

File Conversion Options:

Add Opens the Add Batch File Conversion Rule dialog box. You can add new file conversion rules by using that dialog box.
Edit Opens the Edit Batch File Conversion Rule dialog box. You can edit the selected file conversion rule with help of that dialog box.
Delete Deletes the selected file conversion rule.

Existing File Conversion Rules:

Name Shows a name of the batch conversion rule.
File type Shows the output file type.
In sheet text Shows the conditions which have to match with the sheets which are desired to be operated with the rule.
Embed all sheets in the same target file (Hidden by default) Shows the selection status of the Embed all sheets in the same target file option.
Location at runtime (Hidden by default) Shows whether or not the destination path of the output file is set to be determined on the runtime.
Overwrite (Hidden by default) Shows the selected option how to handle the files which already exist.

Related Topics

Batch conversion rule settings

Tutorial: Create a new batch conversion rule

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