Export Profiles

Export profiles are used to specify instructions for exporting the document structure to external data sources. CustomTools provides the Export command for exporting document structures.

Where to find the Export Profile options:

The Export Profile options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Export Profile options.

CustomTools Products:

Export Profiles:

New Create a new export profile.
Edit Edit an existing profile.
Delete Remove the selected profile.

Profile Fields:

The profile fields determines the values that are retrieved from the SOLIDWORKS documents on the CustomTools Export operation. You can retrieve the values from the SOLIDWORKS document properties, CustomTools CustomProperties or, the custom Value. The custom value is same on all document rows in the structure.

New Creates a new export profile field.
Edit Edit selected field.
Delete Removes the selected field.

Export profiles included in CustomTools sample profile:

CustomTools example profile based on the Machinery design template contains the following structure export profiles that you can use with the CustomTools Export feature:

Profile name Description Output path and filename
CustomTools Raw structure Export profile to create an XML file from the structure of the selected SOLIDWORKS model. <Source Document Path>\<Source Document Filename>_<Current Date>.xml
Excel report Export profile to create Excel table from the SOLIDWORKS model structure. <Source Document Path>\<Source Document Filename>.xlsx

Related Topics

Create a new export profile
Add property field to be exported
Export the model structure using the CustomTools Export command

Video: Customize the Excel Report with your custom properties
Video: Customize the Excel Report with SOLIDWORKS attributes
Video: Insert a preview image of the model/drawing into the Excel report output

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