Export Profile

Export profile settings:

Profile name Specifies the name of the new export profile.
Output path Specifies the destination path and the desired file name.

> menu contains pre-defined settings which can be used to generate the profile file name automatically.
XSL style sheet Defines the content structure of the exported document data.
Browse Browse for the XSL Stylesheet file (*.xsl, *.xslt) used as the XSL style sheet of the Export Profile.

The XSL style sheet may not be needed if the export profile's functionality is controlled by a CustomTools script add-in.
Language Specifies the content language for the output file.

BOM Type:

Top level only Process only the documents in the top level of an assembly.
Parts only Process only the part documents of the assemblies.
Indented assemblies Processes all documents which belongs to the same entity.
Accumulate quantities Select this option to calculate the part quantities to the output file based on the most top level document of the assembly structure.

Example: An assembly have two sub-assemblies and both of the sub-assemblies have two parts. When the Accumulate quantities option is selected, the output file show that the structure have one main assembly, two sub-assemblies, and four parts. In same case when the Accumulate quantities option is not selected, the output file show that the structure have one main assembly, two sub-assemblies, and two parts.

Run Conversion Rules:

Select the desired file conversion rules that you want to be ran when the structure export is executed against the selected model.


Display configurations of parts as separate items Separates the different configurations of the document to an individual items.
Display configurations of parts as one item Parts appears as one no matter how many configuration they has.

Additional Options:

User property scopes to be exported Select the desired user defined CustomProperty scopes to be exported on the structure export.
Open output file once completed Select this option to open the output file of the structure export with the system's default program of the output file type.
Include drawings Select this option to include the drawings related to the structure components into the structure export.

Export Profiles and Script Add-ins

CustomTools Export Profile could work in association to a CustomTools script add-in. CustomTools script add-ins are maintained using the Manage Scripts feature located in the CustomTools Administration Tool. The script add-ins are very flexible and they could be fully customized based on your needs.

Info NOTE: CustomTools script add-ins are always implemented by the customer's separate order. For that reason, some extra costs may apply. Please contact the CustomTools Sales Team for the further information.

Related Topics

Export Profiles
Profile field definition

Setup the file conversion rules using the File Conversion options

Manage your CustomTools script add-ins with help of the CustomTools Administration Tool

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