Print Properties

Print Properties page contains the batch printing profile related settings. The batch printing profiles are used to print the different documents always to the correct printers, so you can get the optimal printing results as well.

Where to find the Print Properties options:

The Print Properties options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Print Properties options.

CustomTools Products:

Print profiles:

Under the Print profiles are listed all existing batch printing profiles.

New Opens the New Print Profile dialog box for creating a new batch printing profile.
Edit Opens the Edit Print Profile dialog box for editing selected batch printing profile.
Delete Removes the selected batch printing profile.

Profile related printing settings:

The Profile related printing settings shows an existing printing settings in relation to the selected batch printing profile.

New Opens the Print Profile Wizard for creating a new printer profile. Use different printer profiles to setup e.g. specific printers to be used with specific sheet format settings.
Edit Opens the Print Profile Wizard for editing the selected printer profile.
Delete Removes the selected printer profile from the selected batch print profile.

By default, the new Print profile has the following three(3) pre-defined printer settings:

<default> These settings are used when the printed documents does not belong to any of other settings.
<assembly> These settings are used when printing SOLIDWORKS assembly documents (.sldasm).
<part> These settings are used when printing SOLIDWORKS part documents (.sldprt).

The pre-defined printer settings are set by the system. User cannot remove the pre-defined printer profiles.

Related Topics

Create a new printing profile
CustomTools Print Profile Wizard

Perform a batch operation with the PrintAndConvert feature

Tutorial: Creating a Print Profile

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