Version Properties

The Version Properties are used to define the revision data. The revision table can be customized with your own custom properties.

Where to find the Version Property options:

The Version Property options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Version Property options.

CustomTools Products:

Revision fields:

Revision Refers to the revision number or letter. The Revision value is automatically incremented when the new revision row has been added.
Description Defines the description of the revision.
Designer Determines the author of the revision.
Date Inserts the date when the revision row has been added.

Revision table templates:

The Revision Table Templates are used to determine where and how the revision table is inserted into the drawing with the CustomTools Data feature. The revision table template determines also the column sizes used in the revision table.

Info NOTE: Mapping a revision table with the Sheet Format using the revision table templates by them selves, does not mean that the revision table is inserted automatically into the drawing when it has been created.

To insert the revision table automatically into the drawing(s), you need to create a Drawing Template which uses the Sheet Format which has the revision table mapping.

Drawing Sheet Format Name of the SOLIDWORKS drawing sheet format that the revision table template is used with.
Revision Table Template Name of the revision table template used with the SOLIDWORKS drawing sheet format with the mapping.
Add Create new revision table mapping.
Edit Click Edit to make changes to the selected revision table mapping.
Delete Remove the selected revision table mapping.

Related Topics

Map a Revision Table
Define revision data for the active document
CustomProperty Wizard
Model Properties
Drawing Properties
Cut List Properties

Tutorial: Revision Table Mapping
Tutorial: Drawing Template

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