Drawing Properties

The CustomProperties are used to store the reference data of the SOLIDWORKS documents into the CustomTools database. The Drawing Properties the CustomProperties scoped to the SOLIDWORKS drawing documents.

Where to find the Drawing Properties options:

The Drawing Properties options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Drawing Properties options.

CustomTools Products:

Manage Properties:

Add Group Create a new group for custom properties. Grouping of custom properties eases the management of existing properties.
Add Starts the CustomProperty Wizard for creating a new custom property. The CustomProperty Wizard starts from the Basic Information page.
Edit Starts the CustomProperty Wizard for editing the selected custom property. The CustomProperty Wizard starts from the Basic Information page.
Delete Deletes the selected property. When you have selected a CustomProperty group and then click Delete, the whole group and all the custom properties inside of it are going to get deleted.

All the CustomProperty Groups must have at least one CustomProperty. If the CustomProperty Group is empty when you are exiting the CustomOptions, you are prompted to created at least one CustomProperty under the empty group.

Existing CustomProperties:

Attribute Name The attribute name used to direct the reference data into the correct place in the database.
Label The caption used in the CustomProperties pane to regonize the different properties. (Hidden by default)
Type Type of the custom property. The type determines what kind of input is used to set the value for the property.
Scope Shows the document type which the CustomProperty is scoped for. The CustomProperties which scope is Drawing, are assignable only for the SOLIDWORKS drawing documents.

Related Topics

CustomProperty Wizard
Adding CustomProperty Groups
Model Properties
Cut List Properties
Version Properties
Project options

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