Revision Properties

The GetRevision button in the CustomProperties pane opens the Revisions dialog box used to manage the revision data of the selected SOLIDWORKS document.

CustomTools Version Properties allows you to use custom property functionality to store the document related revision information into the SOLIDWORKS document's custom properties.

Define options and the available revision fields for the Version Properties in the CustomTools Options. Revision property fields defined in the CustomTools Version Properties node in the Profile Options are the inputs used to create links between the document's revision data stored in the CustomTools database and the SOLIDWORKS document properties by using the database attributes.

Revision Data Management:

New Creates new row into the revision table based on the information provided by the Version Information fields.

NOTE: The available revision fields depends on the Version Properties options.

Edit Edit selected revision row.

TIP: You can open the desired revision row for editing also by double clicking the revision row you would like to edit.

Delete Deletes the selected row from the revision table.
Delete All Deletes all version data from the active document.

Related Topics

Setup the version propeties using the CustomTools Profile Options

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