Database Search Groups

With Database Search Groups options you can setup a connection to an external database table. Once you have created a link the external database, you can link CustomProperty values with the database values.

Info NOTE: You can use one table at the time in one database search group.

Links between database and the CustomProperties might get broken if the table of the linked database changes while there are one or more links to the CustomProperties.

Where to find the Database Search Group options:

The Database Search Groups options are located in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Select the desired CustomTools product from the CustomTools Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Linked Databases options.

CustomTools Products:

Database search groups management:

Add Creates new database search group.
Edit Opens the database search group editor.
Delete Removes the selected search group definition.

Database search groups:

Name Name of the database search group.
Server Host name of the server machine where the source database is located.
Catalog (Hidden by default) Shows name of the database where the data exists.
Schema (Hidden by default) Name of database table set located in the data source.
Table Name of the table located in the source database.

Related Topics

Adding external databases for CustomTools use
Database Options of the CustomProperties
Defining CustomProperty with help of ERP database
Add new database search group
Tips for CustomTools usage

Tutorial: CustomProperty Linked to Microsoft Excel

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