Database Options

CustomProperty value can be imported from an External data source. The Database Options page of the CustomProperty Wizard can be used to connect CustomProperties to item in the external data source.

You can setup connections to your external data sources in the External Data Sources options available in CustomTools Administration Tool.

Info NOTE: Because of the Microsoft SQL Server security policy, the System Administrator role is required in the SQL Server level in order to be allowed to establish connections to the external data sources.

Login to your SQL Server using for example the sa account to establish connection to the external data source.

Database search group options:

Database search group Selects the database search group used by the custom property.
Database column Select the column from the External data soure where the CustomProperty value is retrieved.

The Database column box is disabled if the property type is set as Date.

General options:

Enable property in search If selected, the CustomProperty can be used as a search criteria to search file in the CustomTools database.
Exclude from item search condition The custom property having this option selected cannot be used as a search criteria to search item in the External datasource.

The Database Item Search is used to search item values in the external datasource and link them with the CustomProperties.
Info NOTE: Several CustomProperties on the different document type scopes, could be linked to the same database attribute. The Enable property in search option could be in use for only one of the CustomProperties linked to one attribute.

Notes when using linked properties:

Other CustomProperties using a button to search item from the same Database search group will be disabled, once other CustomProperties using the same Database search group are field.

Disabling the buttons prevents from overwriting linked properties.

General Controls:

The general controls are included in all pages of the CustomProperty Wizard.

Back Return to the previous page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Next Proceed to the next page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Finish Save the property and close the CustomProperty Wizard.

Related Topics

Read-Only properties

External Database Options
Database search group editor
Get custom property value from an external data source

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