Icon External Databases

Existing external data sources such as ERP or MPR systems can be linked to SOLIDWORKS via CustomTools. You need to provide some information about those external data sources in order to link them to CustomTools.

Info NOTE: External sources are server specific connections and changing the database connection to another CustomTools database located in the same server takes the same external database connections.

Available operations:

The existing data sources are listed in the External data sources list.

New Opens the Add External Data Source dialog box. You can add an external data source with help of that dialog box.
Delete Deletes the selected External Data Source.
Modify login Opens the Modify Login dialog box. You can change your login information that are used to login to the external database.
Properties Opens the External Data Source Properties dialog box which shows properties of the selected data source.

Related Topics

Defining ERP Database as a source of CustomProperty
Add New External Data Source
External Database Properties
Modify login information of an external database

Tutorial: Adding an External Microsoft Access Database
Tutorial: Adding an External SQL Database

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