CustomTools Administration Tool

The CustomTools databases are maintained using the CustomTools Administration Tool. The Administration Tool is a CustomTools Client Component that is included also in CustomTools Demo. CustomTools databases are running on the Microsoft SQL Server database engine and all CustomTools databases are protected by a password.

Database View:

Command name Command description Required permissions (Level)
Icon Databases You can manage your CustomTools databases via the CustomTools Administration Tool. You can create, register, unregister or activate the CustomTools databases. System Administrator (Database/SQL Server)
Icon Upgrade Use this command to upgrade your existing CustomTools database to the version required by the CustomTools version you have installed.

NOTE: You need to login to the your CustomTools database before you are able upgrade it with help of the CustomTools Database Upgrade Wizard.
System Administrator (SQL Server)
Icon External Databases Manage your external databases. The external databases can be used to retrieve e.g. the CustomProperty values from an external data source which can be for example a Microsoft SQL Database, Microsoft Access Database, Microsoft Excel workbook or etc. Database Administrator (Database)
Icon Profiles CustomTools database profiles contains several settings which affects to the daily usage of CustomTools and its commands. Profiles are also way to separate user group specific settings by defining own profiles for each group purposes. Manage Profiles (Database)
Icon User Groups Define user groups where you can assign the desired users. For example, the user rights can be specified on the user group level so, the user rights you grant or deny on the specific user group applies to all users assigned into that user group. User groups are useful especially in the growing environments where the new users needs to be quickly definable. Manage User Groups (Database)
Icon Users Manage the individual users in the database. Manage Users (Database)
Icon Manage Scripts Manage the scripts used with the Export feature included in the CustomTools SOLIDWORKS Add-In. Manage Scripts (Database)

You can administrate your CustomTools Databases also with help of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Info NOTE: SQL Server database administration with the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio may need some special skills. For that reason, if you are not familar with the advanced SQL Server administration tasks, it is not recommended to use the Management Studio for the CustomTools database administration tasks. Fixing of any issues even in CustomTools database, that are caused by the user mistake are not included in any level of the CustomTools Maintenance Subscription.

Related Topics

Using Administration Tool
Common glossary and tips related to the CustomTools Administration

CustomTools Database level permissions
CustomTools Profile level permissions

Tutorials related to the Administration Tool
Tutorial: Adding an External Microsoft Access Database
Tutorial: Adding an External SQL Database

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