Database Permissions

You are able to define the user rights with Administration Tool by defining the database permissions for the individual users and user groups

Defining Database permissions:

Users which have the Manage Users permission are allowed to change their own database level permissions. To manage the database level permissions of the user groups, the user needs to have the Manage User Groups permission.

The CustomTools database has always one administrator user called Admin. The Admin user cannot be removed from the database and its user rights could not be modified. The Admin user has the full permissions into the database and all of the profiles in the database.

  1. Run CustomTools Administration Tool.

  2. Login to the CustomTools database

  3. Right-click the database name and select Permissions. The Database Rights dialog box appears

    In the Database Rights dialog box, you are able to define the following permissions for the user groups and the individual users:

The following permissions can be granted or denied on user and user group level:

Manage User Groups Permission to manage the user groups
Manage Users Permission to manage the users
Manage Profiles Permission to manage the database profiles
Import Settings Permission to import the database profile related settings
Export Settings Permission to export the database profile related settings
Delete Design Data Permission to delete the design data from the CustomTools database
Manage Dictionaries Permission to manage the dictionaries used by CustomTools
Database Administrator Sets the user or all the group members as database level administrators
System Administrator Sets the user or all the group members as system level administrators
Manage Scripts The users or the user group members are allowed to manage the add-in scripts. If you do not see the Manage Scripts node in the Database View, you may not have the Manage Scripts permission.

Related Topics

Profile Permissions

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