Icon Database Information

This page shows some basic information about the selected database.

Where to find the Database Information:

When you have the CustomTools Administration running, click the name of the desired CustomTools database to open the Database Information.

Database Information:

Name Displays the name of the database.
Size Displays the size of the database.
Creation date Date when the database has been created.
Owner Displays the name of the user that has created the CustomTools Database.

Version history:

Version Displays the version of the database.
User Displays the name of the user that has updated the version.
Date Date when the database version has been updated.

Right-click menu on the database node:

Set as Active Sets the selected database as the active one. The active database means database that is currently in use with CustomTools. (Available only if the selected database is not already set as active)
Login Login to the selected database. (Available only when you are not already logged in to the selected database)
Logout Logout from the selected database. (Available only when you are logged in to the selected database)
Database Options Opens the CustomOptions dialog box with the Database Options tab only to modify options of the selected CustomTools database. (Available only when you are logged in to the selected database)
Upgrade Upgrade the selected database with help of the Database Upgrade Wizard. (Available only when you are logged in to the selected database)
Unregister Removes the selected database from the registry.
Delete Removes the selected database from the SQL Server. (Available only when you are logged in to the selected database)
Permissions Select this to setup or edit the user/user group rights of the selected database. (Available only when you are logged in to the selected database)

Related Topics

Create a new database for CustomTools
Register an existing CustomTools database
Upgrades an existing database to the latest version

CustomTools Database rights

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