Register CustomTools Database

In order to be able to use CustomTools you need to have at least one database registered for the CustomTools. The registered databases are shown in the Database View tree.

When you create a new database, it is automatically registered on its creation process. The databases created with the older CustomTools version, are also automatically detected and registered during the CustomTools upgrade installation.

Info NOTE: Making a side-by-side installation does not register the older version databases to use of the newer CustomTools version.

Registering CustomTools database:

Database Determines the database to be registered.
Set as active Sets the registered database as active. The active database is the one used with CustomTools (Selected by default). One database could be active at the time.
Info NOTE: Databases which are not created by CustomTools, are filtered from the list of Database box.


Message Problem description Solution
Could not register the database. The following error occured: Cannot open database "DatabaseName" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'Username'. The database you are trying to register does not exist. Make sure that the database name in the Database box has been typed correctly.

Related Topics

Register an SQL Server instance
Unregister unnecessary database

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