Icon Users

You can also see the list of existing database users in the Administration Tool user interface.

Into the new CustomTools database, the database wizard creates the user called Admin. The Admin user cannot be removed from the database and the Admin user also have the full access into the CustomTools database and to all CustomTools profiles.

The Admin user does not have any password by default so you can leave the Password box empty when you login to the new CustomTools database as an Admin user. The password for the Admin user could be defined afterwards to improve the information security.

Database users:

User list contains the following information:

User name The user specific user name.
First name The user's first name.
Last name The user's last name.
Creation time The date when the user account has been created into the database.

Right-click menu on the Users node:

Create New Select this to create a new user.
Refresh Refresh the nodes under the Users node.
User Options Opens the Options dialog box with the User Options tab for modifying options of the selected database user.

Related Topics

Create new user to the CustomTools database
User specific information page
Changing user password

CustomTools user groups
View and manage the CustomTools user group members

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