Database Management Tools

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express is included in CustomTools package. The Microsoft SQL Server is used as a database engine for the CustomTools database. CustomTools database can be installed with the Server side components.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express is installed automatically for the CustomTools database purposes if any SQL Server instances are not already installed in your CustomTools server computer. If you already have any Microsoft SQL Server instances installed, the new SQL Server instance is not required since you can use an existing instance also for CustomTools.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is the oldest SQL Server version officially supported by CustomTools.

When installing the CustomTools Trial version, the database is automatically installed as well, if any existing CustomTools Database could not be detected.

If Microsoft SQL Server is already installed on the workstation but database has not been created for CustomTools, then the installer creates only a database.

Recommended Tools for CustomTools Database Management:

Please visit Microsoft Download Center to read more and download the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express components.

CustomTools database creation notes:

When you create a new database for the CustomTools purposes, the CustomTools Database Creation Wizard creates a user called ct_admin into the SQL Server. The ct_admin user is used to login to the database engine.

Other important notes:

You can order CustomTools related SQL Server environment customizations from your local CustomTools reseller. You can also make the necessary changes on your own but if you prefer to make any changes on you own, please consider the following notes:

Related Topics

SQL Server installation for CustomTools purposes Rules for the strong password
Password specification from the Microsoft SQL Server user interface
Common tips and glossary of the CustomTools SOLIDWORKS Add-in

CustomTools Environment diagram

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