Print And Convert

Use the CustomTools PrintAndConvert feature to batch print your SOLIDWORKS documents or to convert your SOLIDWORKS documents into anohter file formats. To use the PrintAndConvert feature, you need to have batch print profiles and/or file conversion rules set up in the CustomTools Profile Options.

Use the following Profile Options to set up the profiles for the CustomTools batch operations:

Where to find the Print And Convert command:

Click Icon in the CustomTools toolbar or, click CustomTools, PrintAndConvert.

In CustomTools Viewer, click the PrintAndConvert command located in the CustomTools Tools group of the ribbon.

The Batch Operation dialog box appear.

Related Topics

Find your desired SOLIDWORKS documents with help of the Search feature
Setup the CustomTools batch operation

Setup the CustomTools profile with help of the CustomTools Profile Options
Manage your batch printing profiles using the Print Properties
Manage your batch file conversion rules in the File Conversion options

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