The document selection filter rules are set on the Define page of the Selection Filter Wizard.
Document selection filter could be set to either select or clear selection of the documents matching the conditions defined. All files are always affected by the filtering so that the file is either being selected or its selection is being cleared.
Selection filter could be based on several rules. One condition equals a rule associated to a document attribute value, which is being compared to the documents to determine whether to apply the selected action.
File type | Trigger the filter by the specific type of files using the File type attribute. Please see the following File Types Supported on a Filter table for the file types that the filter could apply to. |
Model Property | Use the Model Property as the attribute to make the filter to make the selection according to the Model scope property value. |
Drawing Property | Use the Drawing Property as the attribute to make the filter to make the selection according to the Drawing scope property value. |
Referenced Model's Property | Use the Referenced Model's Property as the attribute to make the filter to make the selection according to the Property value in the referenced model document. The Properties available with this option are retrieved from the Model scope. This option is available only with the batch operation profiles that supports SOLIDWORKS Drawings. |
File name | With the File name attribute the filter compares the file name or a part of it, to the search string provided. |
Path | Using the Path attribute you can filter document selections by the path they are located in. The path defined in the condition is compared from the point of view of the workstation which the filter is being used on. |
Configuration | Using the Configuration attribute you can filter document selections by rules related to the source documents' configuration name. This helps you especially in case you need to batch process only specific model configurations on a batch operation. |
Comparison of the values on selection filter have several options to choose the method from. Please refer to the following Value Comparison Methods table for more detailed information. |
Add rule | Click the Add rule command to add new rule into the current rule group. |
New rule group | With the New rule group command, you can add more groups of the selection filter rules. All groups are evaluated by the selected logical operator which could be AND, OR or NONE. |
Each rule have the command after the value box associated to that rule. Click the command to remove the rule from the filter. |
An example filter above selects the SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt) documents that has the Sheet Metal feature document and, either has a value Yes assigned to a Property called Dxf file or its’ Path contains the word Example. Selection of the rest of the documents remains clear.
Is | Use the Is method to require a complete match between the rule and, the document that is being compared with that. With the Is method, the condition is true if both values are identical. |
Is not | The Is not method is a vice versa to the Is method. With the Is not method, the condition is true if the value compared to the rule, is anything else but the one defined in the filter settings. |
Starts with | The Starts with method compares the string provided in the filter settings to the beginning of the value found from the attribute the rule is associated with. This condition is true if the compared attribute value starts with the string specified in the filter regardless of the rest of the target attribute's value. |
Ends with | The Ends with method compares the string provided in the filter settings to the end of the value found from the attribute the rule is associated with. This condition is true if the compared attribute value ends with the string specified in the filter regardless of the rest of the target attribute's value. |
Contains | With the Contains method the string provided in the filter is being looked for, from anywhere of the compared value. If the string provided is found from the target value, the condition is true regardless of any other part of the value. |
Doesn't start with | Use the Doesn't start with method if you know a string the desired attribute value should not start with in order to trigger the selection filter. The condition is true if the target value starts with anything else but the string defined in the selection filter. |
Doesn't end with | Use the Doesn't end method if you know a string the desired attribute value should not end with in order to trigger the selection filter. The condition is true if the target value ends with anything else but the string defined in the selection filter. |
Doesn't contain | With the Doesn't contain method the string provided in the filter is being looked for, from anywhere of the compared value. If the string provided was not found from the target value, the condition is true regardless of any other part of the value. |
NOTE: Value comparisons are always case insensitive. |
The following types of file are supported for using the File type attribute to filter the document selections by.
Part | SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt) document. |
Sheet metal part | SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt) document with the Sheet Metal features applied. |
Assembly | SOLIDWORKS Assembly (*.sldasm) document. |
Drawing of a part | SOLIDWORKS Drawing (*.slddrw) document which is created from a SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt) document. |
Drawing of a sheet metal part | SOLIDWORKS Drawing (*.slddrw) document which is created from a SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt) document, which has the Sheet Metal features applied. |
Drawing of an assembly | SOLIDWORKS Drawing (*.slddrw) document which is created from a SOLIDWORKS Assembly (*.sldasm) document. |