Import a CustomTools Profile

Use the CustomTools Import Profile feature to import your CustomTools Profiles (*.cfg, *.ctprof) and the Teamworks Custom Property Manager Configuration Files (*.twx) into your CustomTools database.

Info NOTE: In order to be able to import a profile, it has to be exported before hand.

Run CustomTools Administration tool and then login to the database where you want to import the profile to.

  1. In the Database View, right-click the Profiles node and select Import Profile.

    The Import Profile dialog box appear.

Info TIP: An alternative way to start importing a profile to CustomTools database is to click the Import Profile command located in the Profile Settings group in ribbon.

Importing the database profile:

Profiles imported using the CPM 9 configuration file as the source file, does not have the any CustomProperties enabled in search by default. The user can set the desired CustomProperties enabled in search using the CustomProperty Wizard after importing the CPM 9 profile into the CustomTools database. Please refer to the CustomProperty Wizard help for more information.

Related Topics

Create database profiles for CustomTools with the CustomTools Profile wizard
Backup your CustomTools profiles with the Export Profile feature

Setup the database related options for your CustomProperty

Tutorial: Importing CustomTools Profile

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