Content Options

The Select Content Options page of the CustomProperty Wizard is used to select the sequences or combinations that are available with the CustomProperty.

Available content options with combinations:

All combinations All the combinations are selected.
Show selected combinations Select specific combinations which can be used by the property.

The combinations can be selected from the Available combinations list.

Available content options with sequences:

All sequences All the defined sequences are available with the GetCode CustomProperty.
Show selected sequences Select specific sequences that can be used with the property.

The sequences can be selected from the Available sequences list.

General Controls:

The general controls are included in all pages of the CustomProperty Wizard.

Back Return to the previous page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Next Proceed to the next page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Finish Save the property and close the CustomProperty Wizard.

Related Topics

Basic information of the CustomProperty
Setup custom sequences in the Sequences options
Setup CustomProperty combinations in the Combination options

Tutorial: CustomProperty Combinations
Tutorial: Using Sequences

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