CustomTools Data Vault

The CustomTools DataServer options are used to manage the CustomTools database connection.

CustomTools databases are managed with the CustomTools Administration Tool.

By default, the CustomTools database have a user called Admin that does not have a password defined. You can set the desired password for the Admin user later to improve the information security of your CustomTools database.

Data vault:

The tree view shows the CustomTools databases which are registered and located in the current database server:

Data Vault toolbar:

Server Properties Configure the CustomTools database server settings.
Database Options related to the selected database:
Login Login to the selected database.
Logout Logout from the selected database. Logging out ends the database session also if the user was logged in having the Remember me option selected.
Register Add the CustomTools database into the Windows Registry under the database server node where the database is located.

Databases which information has been added into the registry, could be used as the CustomTools data vault.
Info You do not have to register the databases which are linked with CustomTools as an external data sources.
Unregister Removes the selected database from the Windows Registry.

The unregistered database disappears from the database tree view and the unregistered database can no longer be in use with the CustomTools products. Once the database has been unregistered, the database does still exist in the server, so it could be re-registered. Re-registering the database also makes the database usable with the CustomTools products again.

Set as active Sets the selected database as active. The active database means the database that is used with CustomTools products. Only one database could be active at once.
Refresh Refreshes the database tree view.


The Messages box shows the warning and error messages coming from the system.

Related Topics

External database links
Linked databases as the database search groups

Setup the database level user permissions with the Administration Tool
Setup the profile level user permissions with the Administration Tool

CustomTools common tips and terminology

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