Document Codes

Sequences allows you to generate next available code from selected number sequence. This can be used to for example generate document and item codes to name individually and automatically your design documents. CustomTools ensures that collapsing codes are not used in multi-user environment. If user first generates a code from sequence and then cancels the operations the canceled code is re-used in order to prevent gaps in sequence.

To access the New Code dialog box:

The DocumentCode button in the CustomProperties pane opens the New Code dialog box used to generate an unique code as the property value.

New Code:

Sequence Specifies the sequence used to generate the document code. Available sequences depends on your CustomProperty settings. By default, all the existing sequences are listed in the Sequence box but if you want, you can determine the available sequences in the Select Content Options page of the CustomProperty settings.

The sequence that is currently in use for the CustomProperty is selected by default in the New Code dialog box.
Next code Shows the next available code based on the selected sequence.

Unused Document Codes:

Document codes based on the sequences gets reserved when the OK button is clicked on the New Code dialog box. In case that the user have reserved a document code from the sequence and then exited the CustomProperties pane by clicking the Cancel button, the reserved code stays reserved.

The unused codes that are reserved could be managed under the Unused codes options. Click the Plus button to open the options to manage the unused codes that are reserved. The unused reserved document codes appears into the Unused codes list.

Remove selected Removes the selected code from the reserved codes list.
Remove all Removes all reserved codes that are unused.

Click the Minus button to hide the Unused codes.

Related Topics

CustomProperties pane
Setup sequences using the Sequences options
Content Options of the CustomProperty

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