CTInterface Events |
The CTInterface type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
NotifyDialogAccess |
Notifies when user opens and close defined CT dialog.
| |
NotifyIdle |
Notifies SW idle both pre CT handling and post CT handling
Value determines whether this is
pre-event (true) or post-event (false).
| |
OnAddImportFile |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Import for each individual file inserted to the list.
Allows full control on what files are actually brought into the process.
For instance it would be possible to unzip given file and add all unpacked files
to the list via this event.
| |
OnAfterButtonFunction |
Notification is sent after user has clicked a button representing a button function that is
associated with a property in CUSTOMTOOLS Properties pane.
Event is triggered when user has closed the dialog box associated with the button function.
| |
OnAppExit |
Notification that occurs when CUSTOMTOOLS is being unloaded.
Can be used for instance to safely terminate asynchronous
background tasks started by the script add-in.
| |
OnBatchOperationsCompleted |
Notifies when all batch operations are completed.
After this event, CUSTOMTOOLS shows possible conversion errors
for the user and closes all documents that were opened during
the process by the conversion engine.
In case your add-in collected converted documents for collective post-processing,
now would be good time to post-process them.
| |
OnBatchOperationsLaunched |
Notifies when Batch Opearations have been launched. Not invoked
for serialization run i.e. when the document processing happens
later as a task.
Useful to set up e.g. conversion document collection for upcoming OnPostFileConversion -events.
| |
OnBatchOperationTemplatePreLoad |
Allows dynamic changes for Batch Operation Templates, and to attach a tag after the Template name.
Note that if you are applying dynamic changes, user might save those changes to the object.
Tag is useful to indicate for user that an add-in is attached for handling specific template(s). Othwise this
event is very useful for pre-mapping Template IDs for possible OnBatchOperationsLaunched and OnBatchOperationsCompleted events.
| |
OnBatchProcessPreCreateFlatView |
Invoked just before conversion engine creates a flat view from a single
body model to a drawing. Allows manipulating both the drawing and the model, and
to force using named view instead of system generated FlatPattern -view.
Not that this event is not invoked for multibody parts as using custom view
for them is not possible.
| |
OnBeforeMergeDocuments |
Invoked just before a merge operation combines collected documents.
Allows manipulating which files to merge and in which order.
| |
OnChangeCustomProperty |
Post-notifies when a customer property has been changed.
| |
OnCloseCustomStructureDlg |
Notification that occurs when user exits CUSTOMTOOLS Export window.
| |
OnCustomCopyPreSavePropertyValue |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Copy during the copy process, before the dirty properties are written.
Allows manipulating values of dirty properties.
| |
OnCustomCopyResolveInitialConfiguration |
Invoked during CUSTOMTOOLS Copy process for all individual files
when Configuration option at Properties is set to Property Specific.
Allows setting configuration option per file.
| |
OnCustomListGetColumns |
A column query send for Search Groups which source is Custom.
| |
OnCustomListUpdate |
Invoked for each Custom-type lookuplist at CUSTOMTOOLS start up and
when 'Run' is clicked at Options for the Custom-type lookuplist in question.
Allows full control over the lookuplist content.
| |
OnCustomPropertiesFinished |
Invoked after user exits CUSTOMTOOLS Properties with Ok/Apply and all
related processes have completed.
| |
OnCustomPropertiesLoaded |
Invoked when CUSTOMTOOLS Properties are loaded.
| |
OnCustomPropertiesLoading |
Invoked when CUSTOMTOOLS Properties are loading.
| |
OnCustomPropertyChanged |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Properties when a value of a property that has Allow Scripting -option set changes.
Allows manipulating all property values in context that have Allow Scripting -option set.
| |
OnDeserializeSecondPhase |
"Entry point" of the second execution phase.
When the export is executed "On-Client" at PDM, the add-in may request a
second execution phase by setting Handled to TRUE at OnSerializeForSecondPhase.
If so, then when this event is invoked, the whole execution environment is already initialized for a completely new context and
SerializationData contains everything that was stored there at
OnSerializeForSecondPhase during the first phase. The second phase must be completely silent and require no
user iteraction. Use CreateLogger to log information about the process.
Set Handled to false if your deserialization fails or otherwise there is a fatal error
that requires cancelling the process.
The second execution phase is invoked for new instance at SOLIDWORKS context and in case the
export profile defined any conversion rules and they were not cancelled at OnQueryExportSuccess during first phase,
OnPreBatchProcessFile will be invoked for each individual conversion rule and document as
if the export was originally executed in SOLIDWORKS context.
| |
OnDimensionButtonClick |
Invoked when button used to clear dimension property value in Properties is clicked.
It's possible to override default functionality.
| |
OnExecuteSearchGroupSearch |
Invoked for Search Group searches that are defined to use Custom Handler.
Allows full control over the returned Search Group data.
| |
OnExportProfileSelected |
Notification that is sent after user selects Export profile in the CUSTOMTOOLS Export dialog box. This notification
is sent also when the Export dialog is opened and the last used Export profile is selected automatically.
| |
OnFileSavePre |
Invoked when a SOLIDWORKS document is being saved.
| |
OnFinalizeSecondPhase |
Finalize second execution phase.
When the export is executed "On-Client" at PDM, the add-in may request a
second execution phase by setting Handled to TRUE at OnSerializeForSecondPhase.
If so, OnSerializeForSecondPhase is invoked for current add-in allowing to prepare for consequent OnPreBatchProcessFile
-events by deserializing from SerializationData.
This event is invoked after all conversions are done and same original SerializationData also is available
during this event.
If a logger was created at OnDeserializeSecondPhase, then use that for logging. Otherwise use CreateLogger
to create one and log information about the process.
Handled determines whether or not all conversions were succesfull. OnQueryExportSuccess will be invoked as event for second phase.
| |
OnGetCustomImportRule |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Import for each file right after they are added to the list.
Allows showing custom columns, setting special import options, displaying different string
than filename and disabling the row from process.
| |
OnGetImportFiletypeFilters |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Import when user adds file/files to the list. Allows adding
new file name/extension filters to the file selection dialog.
| |
OnImportFile |
Notification triggered before importing a file.
| |
OnImportFilePost |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Import for each individual file right after one's import process is complete.
| |
OnImportFilePre |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Import for each file defined in OnGetCustomImportRule before
the normal import procedure takes place.
| |
OnImportFinished |
Notification the is send then CUSTOMTOOLS Import procedure has finished.
| |
OnItemDeletePre |
Invoked when a feature is deleted from model's feature tree.
| |
OnListViewExportRowRightClick |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export when user right clicks a row.
Allows appending menu items which click events can be handled at OnPopupMenuChosen.
| |
OnLookupListFill |
Invoked when CUSTOMTOOLS fills up Lookuplist items for Hierarchical Combo.
With this event it's possible to use value/key as saved value while
displaying a different corresponding value/key in the GUI.
| |
OnModelDocLoaded |
Invoked when a SOLIDWORKS document has been loaded.
| |
OnOptionsClosedNotify |
Notifies when user exits CUSTOMTOOLS Options with OK.
Invoked only when Options is accessed via SOLIDWORKS, and NOT from CUSTOMTOOLS Administration.
| |
OnPopupMenuChosen |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export when user has right clicked a row and then selected popped up menu item
defined at OnListViewExportRowRightClick.
| |
OnPostFileConversion |
Invoked after CUSTOMTOOLS has performed file conversion.
| |
OnPreBatchProcessFile |
Invoked before CUSTOMTOOLS starts to perform file conversion.
| |
OnPreFileConversion |
Invoked before CUSTOMTOOLS performs file conversion task.
| |
OnPreFillCopyFileTargets |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Copy when filenames are generated.
Allows manipulating target filenames, target project per file and check state of the row.
| |
OnPrepareConversionEngine |
This event is invoked once for every selected Batch File Conversion rule
during a single Batch Operation Process. It allows modifying internal conversion
engine settings as well as dynamically changing settings of the rule it self
before they get processed by the engine.
| |
OnPropertiesVisibilityOverride |
Invoked when CUSTOMTOOLS Properties is first initialized and shown for a document.
Allows changing visibility and selected value/option of special controls.
| |
OnPropertyCustomDefinition |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Options when user click Custom Definition button [...] at property's
Advanced Options -page. Invoked only when Options is accessed via SOLIDWORKS, and NOT from
CUSTOMTOOLS Administration.
| |
OnQueryCancelExportConversions |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export before possible conversions are performed for each row in internal export data structure.
Allows cancelling conversions before need for them is even validated.
| |
OnQueryExportSuccess |
If the export was ran silently, it's success status will be queried
with this event. Success is assumed.
This is also invoked for the second phase of the export process in
case such phase was requested at OnSerializeForSecondPhase.
| |
OnRebuildTaskBeforeOpen |
Invoked for all documents separately during Rebuild -task.
Allows cancelling the Rebuild of a file before its opened, or
to otherwise prepare on it being opened and Rebuild.
| |
OnRebuildTaskPostRebuild |
Invoked for all documents separately during Rebuild -task after
rebuild of the file. Carries success information of both rebuild
procedure as well as file save procedure. Allows also setting
a custom error message.
| |
OnRebuildTaskPreRebuild |
Invoked for all documents separately during Rebuild -task after
the file is already opened and now about to be rebuild.
Allows requesting save for the file after the operation even if the rebuild would fail.
| |
OnRequestScriptButton |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS startup. Allows one script add-in to set up an extra button
to CUSTOMTOOLS menu. Availability of the button is queried with OnRequestScriptButtonEnable
and it's click event at OnScriptButtonClicked.
| |
OnRequestScriptButtonEnable |
Invoked multiple times at various cases. Allows setting availablity of the script button
defined with OnRequestScriptButton.
| |
OnSavePost |
Invoked after a SOLIDWORKS document has been saved.
| |
OnSaveToStoragePost |
Invoked after 3rdPartyData is saved to the model.
| |
OnSaveToStoragePre |
Invoked before 3rdPartyData is saved to the model.
Use GetXMLData(String) and SetXMLData(String, String) to manipulate save content.
| |
OnScriptButtonClicked |
Notification that is send when user has clicked the script button
defined with OnRequestScriptButton.
| |
OnSerializeForSecondPhase |
When the export is executed "On-Client" at PDM, the add-in may request a
second execution phase by setting Handled to TRUE.
Also any data can be stored to SerializationData for
later retrieval at OnDeserializeSecondPhase and OnFinalizeSecondPhase.
The second execution phase is invoked for new instance at SOLIDWORKS context and in case the
export profile defined any conversion rules and they were not cancelled in OnQueryExportSuccess,
OnPreBatchProcessFile will be invoked for each individual conversion rule and document as
if the export was originally executed in SOLIDWORKS context. OnFinalizeSecondPhase will
be called when all conversions are done.
CreateLogger returns null for this event.
| |
OnStrExport |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export when the xml data is ready but before it's saved as a file.
| |
OnStrExportAddRow |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export for each row when the list is getting filled.
Allows filling/changing column values.
| |
OnStrExportFillColumns |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export before model structure is filled to the view.
Allows hiding/adding of columns in the view.
| |
OnStrExportFillListPost |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export after the model structure and values are filled into the Export view.
Allows setting errors for rows.
| |
OnStrExportFillListPre |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export before model structure is filled to the view.
Allows manipulating the structure before it's shown.
| |
OnStrExportPost |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export when the export procedure has finished and the xml data is saved as a file.
| |
OnStrExportPre |
Notification that occurs at CUSTOMTOOLS Export when user clicks export but before actual procedure is ran.
| |
OnStrExportVerifyField |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Export for each row and each field in the view.
Allows checking the field value and setting an error message that prevents
user for performing the export.
| |
OnValidateCustomProperties |
Invoked at CUSTOMTOOLS Properties when user clicks Ok/Apply and at least one property has Allow Scripting -option set.
Allows manipulating property values, preventing exiting of Properties and displaying an error/warning message.