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CTInterfaceOnSavePost Event

Invoked after a SOLIDWORKS document has been saved.

Namespace:  ATR.CT.CTInterface
Assembly:  CTInterface (in CTInterface.dll)
public event EventHandler<CTInterfaceSavePostArgs2> OnSavePost


Type: SystemEventHandlerCTInterfaceSavePostArgs2
This sample shows how you can catch the OnSavePost event and use the SavePostArgs2 event arguments in one example use case.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CTEngineLib;
using ATR.CT.CTInterface;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swdocumentmgr;

namespace GetDocumentTypeAfterSave
  public class GetDocumentTypeAfterSave
    public GetDocumentTypeAfterSave(CTInterface ctInterface)
      // Attach event handler to catch the OnSavePost event.
      ctInterface.OnSavePost += new EventHandler<CTInterface.SavePostArgs2>(_ctInterface_OnSavePostEvent);

    void _ctInterface_OnSavePostEvent(object sender, CTInterface.SavePostArgs2 e)
      // Check the SW document type. If the document is not a model, the SQL Server connection is not needed.
      if (e.moFilename.EndsWith(".sldasm", true, null) | e.moFilename.EndsWith(".sldprt", true, null))
        // Initialize the ModelDoc2 object.
        ModelDoc2 oDoc = (ModelDoc2)e.moSWDoc;

        // Ensure that the model exist. If not, just return and do nothing.
        if (oDoc == null)

        // In case the model exist as expected, show a message box to the user having notice that we have saved a model document type and also show the filename.
        MessageBox.Show(string.Format(@"We have saved a SOLIDWORKS model document which file name is {0}.", e.moFilename), "Information");

// Sample output:
// --------------
// Let's say that the user have created a SOLIDWORKS part document called Part1.sldprt into folder C:\Workspace\SolidWorks\
// So, using the script implementation above, the message box with a text like "We have saved a SOLIDWORKS model document which file name is C:\Workspace\SolidWorks\Part1.sldprt.".


See Also