CustomTools Edition Comparison

Table in this page represents the CustomTools commands availability on the different CustomTools editions.

Document type descriptions used in the following table:

Comparison Table:

Available Editions
Document Types Lite Edition Express Edition Basic Edition Standard Edition Professional Edition CustomTools Viewer
Properties All
Export Models    
Copy All    
Comment All  
Explore All
Notes* Drawings  
Data Drawings  
CNCTool Drawings      
CoBox Drawings        
OpenDrawing Models
PrintAndConvert All
Import All  
Solid Edge Migration Tool** Solid Edge Files          
WhereUsed All
3D Bounding Box Models    
Other features
External Database links All      
The command or feature is included.
  The command or feature is not included.

* The Notes feature is included in the CustomTools Lite and Basic editions but, a text CustomTools Lite Edition or CustomTools Basic Edition is added at the end of the user defined note text based on the edition you have.

** The Solid Edge Migration Tool is an embedded feature of the CustomTools Import feature. To use the Solid Edge Migration Tool, you need to have at least the Solid Edge ST3 version installed in your workstation.

Info NOTE: Some of the CustomTools commands and features may have a limited functionality in the CustomTools Lite Edition, Basic Edition and in the CustomTools Express Edition.

When using the CustomTools Lite Edition, CustomTools Basic Edition or the CustomTools Express Edition, a message box about the command limitation appears when performing an action or a command which is limited in the CustomTools Lite Edition, CustomTools Basic Edition or in the CustomTools Express Edition.

Info NOTE: CustomTools Lite and Basic Editions are available only in specific market areas. Please contact your local CustomTools reseller for more information about these versions availability in area you are located at.

Related Topics

CustomTools menu in the SOLIDWORKS Add-in

External: Solid Edge internet page
External: Find your local CustomTools reseller

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