
If one or more drawings refers to the part or assembly, use the OpenDrawing feature to open the desired drawing(s) referring to the active or selected model.

Reference data of the drawings have to exist in the CustomTools database in order to open the referring drawings with help of the OpenDrawing command. Saving drawings when the CustomTools Add-In is in use adds all necessary reference data automatically to the CustomTools database so the drawings could be found by the OpenDrawing command.

Info TIP: If the reference data is not migrated from the drawings to new database, or the drawings are created without the CustomTools Add-In, the reference data could be imported from the drawings to the CustomTools database by using the Import tool.

Using the OpenDrawing feature to open drawings:

Once the OpenDrawing command has been clicked, the Select Drawing dialog box appears if more than one drawing has been made from the selected model. If your model have only one referenced drawing, the OpenDrawing command opens the drawing automatically and the Select Drawing dialog box does not appear at all.

Select drawings:

The Select drawings list displays the drawings referring to the model.

Drawing Shows the file name and path of the drawing document.
Referenced Model Shows the model where the drawing refers to.
Referenced Model Configuration Shows tht configuration of the referring model for which the drawing belongs to.

Info TIP: More than one drawing can be opened at once.

Preview A preview of the selected drawing.
Select All Selects all the drawings on the Select drawings list.
Clear Selection Clears all the check boxes which are selected on the Select drawings list.
Delete Selected Removes the reference data of the selected drawing from the CustomTools database. Deleting the reference data from the database does not delete the file from the hard drive.

Info NOTE: The Delete Desing Data permission is required on the database level in order to remove any reference data from the CustomTools database. You can manage the database level permissions with help of the CustomTools Administration Tool.

Related Topics

Importing reference data with the Import feature
Confirm deleting files

Setup the database level permissions with the CustomTools Administration Tool

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