Advanced Options for the Import Feature

This topic helps you to define the Advanced Import Options of the Import feature.

Where to find the Advanced Drawing settings:

Select the Import drawings of 3D models options in the Import dialog box to import the drawings referring to the imported models. Then click Options to open the advanced settings related to the drawings import.

Advanced Drawings Settings:

Add Add folder where the drawings should be searched from.
Delete Remove selected path from the search folders.

When searching the drawings:

Compare whole filename Compares whole filenames.
Compare first [character count] Compares specified count of characters starting from the beginning of the file name.
Compare last [character count] Compares specified count of characters starting from the end of the file name.
Look for specific CustomProperty Compares value stored into the selected CustomProperty. Documents having the matching value in the selected CustomProperty are imported.

Related Topics

CustomTools Import feature
Importing revision data from CustomTools 3.x versions

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