Revision Data Importing Options

Revision import options are used to setup migration of revision information from CustomTools 3.x, TEAMWORKS Custom Property Manager and, from the existing SOLIDWORKS files which revision information is not yet stored in the CustomTools database.

Pre-condition requirements:

CustomTools conditions:

All used sheet format files have to be modified so that CustomTools 3.x revision table header is removed, all linked CustomTools 3.x revision field custom properties are removed from sheet format and anchor point for general table is correctly defined.

Import options for the revision data:

Source options:
Revision data source Determines the type of the revision data source. Select the data source from the following options:
  • CustomTools 3.x custom property revision information. Retrieve the revision data from the revision properties of the CustomTools 3.x version.
  • SOLIDWORKS drawing revision table. Retrieve the revision data from the revision table of the SOLIDWORKS drawing document.
  • TEAMWORKS - Custom Property Manager revision information. Retrieve the revision data from the TEAMWORKS Custom Property Manager.
Delete original revisions after successful migration (CustomTools 3.x/Custom Property Manager) Select this option to remove revision information from the CustomTools 3.x/Custom Property Manager file after a successful import process.

Revision data target:
Document type Sets the target document type
Revision custom property Sets the target property for the revision data.

The Revision custom property box retrieves available document type-specific custom properties by them Labels defined in the CustomTools options.
Insert revision into the table in reverse order (n...1) Inverts the revision rows order in the revision table.
Insert header row at the bottom The header row is placed into the bottom row of the revision table.

Column mappings:
Source file Specifies the CustomTools 3.x profile file (.cfg) that is used as the source of the property links.

The table shows the links between the source and target properties. Those links tells how the revision data is going to be imported. The data retrieved from the source column is stored into the target column.

Revision table locations:
Add Adds a sheet format file. The revision table location settings affects to the sheet format file.

The <Enter file name> text appears into the next empty Sheet Format File column in Revision table locations list.
Delete Deletes the selected sheet format file from the list.
Browse Opens the file browser for browsing existing sheet format files.

Revision table locations listing:
Sheet Format File Sheet format filename. The file name is not case sensitive.
X-coord Specifies the table start point location on the X-axis.
Y-coord Specifies the table start point location on the Y-axis.
InfoTIP: You are allowed to use comma (,) or dot (.) as a separator in the cordinates.

Anchor Type Specifies the start point of the revision table. The revision table appears into the drawing starting from the location specified by the coordinates.
Reverse Order Inverts the order of the revision table.
Header At Bottom Moves the header row into the bottom of the revision table.

Related Topics

CustomTools Import feature
Advanced Options of the Import feature

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