Additional Options

The Additional Options page is used to customize the CustomProperties by the special features. The additional options are divided to three groups that are Value format, Operational and Miscellaneous.

Value format options:

Format string Determines the value to be written to the Checkbox type of CustomProperty when selected or, the date format written to the CustomProperty which type is Date.

The following table provides further information about the Format string box usage with the different property types:

CustomProperty Type Format String box button button
Date Customize how the date is inserted in the custom property. Opens a menu that allows you to select different date formats for the day, month and year.
Checkbox Defines the value that appears in the CustomProperty, when the checkbox is selected. Not available

Format string for unchecked Sets the value to be written to the Checkbox type of CustomProperty when the checkbox is not selected.
NOTE: The Format string for unchecked box is visible only when the CustomProperty type is Checkbox.

Maximum length Limits the lenght of the CustomProperty value in terms of characters.

Operational options:

Copy as model property Select this to copy the Weldment scoped custom property with its stored value to the referenced model on the SOLIDWORKS Rebuild operation performed against the model.
Copy as drawing property Select this to copy the model scoped custom property with its stored value to the referenced drawing on the SOLIDWORKS Rebuild operation performed against the drawing.

Once assigned a value to property having this option selected, save the model and rebuild the drawing to copy the property with the value into the SOLIDWORKS drawing custom properties.
Clear on Save As and Save As Copy The custom property value will be cleared when the Action is set to Save As or Save As Copy.
Save value in uppercase The value of CustomProperty is saved with all letters in uppercase.
Track history Enable/Disable history tracking of the CustomProperty. Select this option to store up to ten (10) previous values of the CustomProperty to the SOLIDWORKS document.

Miscellaneous options:

Display in Print and Convert Determines whether or not to be able to use the CustomProperty as the filtering criteria in CustomTools batch operations executed with help of the Print and Convert feature.
Display in Design Tree Determines whether or not to show the CustomProperty and its value in the Design Tree in CustomTools Viewer. When the Display in Design Tree option is selected, the property with its value is shown in the Design Tree in CustomTools Viewer.
Display in Copy Determines whether or not to show the CustomProperty in the Copy file list.
Enable changing of value in printing Allow/Prevent changing the custom property value on CustomTools the batch operation.

If selected, the property value can be modified from the Overwrite Property Values page in the CustomTools: Batch Operation dialog box related to the Print and Convert feature.
Allow scripting The Allow scripting option allows the CustomTools to control the specific property value by the add-in script for example in case when the property’s value is changed.

Allow Scripting:

While the Allow scripting option is selected, the change of the CustomProperty value raises up an API event called OnCustomPropertyChanged which allows manipulating values of all CustomProperties that have the Allow scripting option selected.

Also, when the Allow scripting option is selected even for one CustomProperty, accepting changes made in the property values raises up an API event called OnValidateCustomProperties which allows canceling the save operation of the document properties and displaying a customized message to the end user.

Custom Definition of the CustomProperty:

Custom definition of the selected property does not affect to the normal usage of CustomTools features. However it could be used to store large amount data from the user interface into the CustomProperty.

Click the CustomDefinition button to open the custom definition dialog box to setup the definition for the value of the selected CustomProperty.

Info NOTE: The custom definition dialog box may vary depending on the customizations implemented.

CustomTools add-in scripts can access the custom definition data through various API events that provide ICTProperty-object as an argument.

Related Topics

Defining the Basic Information
Hidden Properties

The Print and Convert feature
Filter documents to be printed
The Copy feature

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