User Defined Values

The values of the lookup list could also be defined by the user. User defined values are not recieved from any external source.

When the lookup list type is Key-Value Pairs the shown values in the combobox of custom property are retrieved from the Value column.

User defined lookup list values:

Value table Shows the values which are currently included in the lookup list.

Value table is also used to specify the user defined list values. The user defined values could be freely defined:

Key1 - Key15 Specifies the key values for key value based lookup list.
The key-value acts as an identifier for its related value. When custom property value is based on the lookup list which type is Key-value pairs the user specifies the proeperty value using the property related combo box. The key-value is an unique identifier for the selected value and it can be used for example in the drawings to help production or different machines or systems which can only process or use numbers.

NOTE: The Key column is shown only when the lookup list type is Key-value pairs.

Value The value linked to the key-value defined in the related Key column value. This column can contain any kind of characters.

Common Controls in Lookup List Editor:

The following commands are available lookup list editor when the lookup list values are user specified:

Command buttons:
Delete Removes the selected values from the lookup list.

Right-cilck menu:
Cut Removes the selected value from the list and copies it into the Windows clipboard so you still can paste the value into another place.
Copy Copies the selected value into the Windows clipboard so you can paste it to another place.
Paste Pastes the value from the Windows clipboard into the lookup list.
Clear Clears the selected row in the lookup list.
Delete Deletes the selected row from the lookup list.
Add row Adds a new row into the lookup list. In the hierarchical lookup list, this command adds a new parent row into the list.

Hierarchical Lists:

In the editor of the hierarchical lookup lists, you have few extra commands to use. The following list describes the command buttons that are available only in hierarchical lookup list editor:

Add row Adds a parent row into the lookup list.
Add child row Adds a child row under the selected node into the lookup list.

Related Topics

General Lookup List Settings
Lookup list general parameters
Retrieve the list values from the database

Combobox options of the CustomProperty

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