Lookup List General Parameters

CustomTools Lookup list creation begins with the general parameters setup. The general parameters are used to determine the lookup list name, data source type and the list type.

Name Specifies the name of the Lookup List.

Lookup list data source types:

User specified The values of the lookup list are defined manually by the user.
Database The values of the lookup list are retrieved from an SQL database or from other kind of valid external data source.
Custom Create a lookup list which is based on a custom data source. A custom data source used with a lookup list is managed by a CustomTools add-in scripts. Because the Custom data source of a lookup list is managed with an add-in script, the contents could be retrieved into the lookup list from almost any kind of a data source. As well as the lookup list contents can be included in the add-in script itself, the contents could located also in an external data vault read using the script.

NOTE: CustomTools Add-in scripts are managed with the CustomTools Administration Tool.
Run Click the Run button to generate a lookup list based on the Custom data source defined by the add-in script.

Lookup list types:

Simple Creates a single column lookup list.

The values of a simple lookup list can rather be defined manually or retreived from an external database.
Key-value pairs Creates a lookup list having up to 15 columns.

The values of a key-value pairs lookup list can rather be defined manually or retreived from an external database.

The key-value acts as an identifier for its related value. The key-value is an unique identifier for the selected value and it can be used for example in the drawings to help production or different machines or systems which can only process or use numbers.

TIP: The key-value itself can be retrieved into another custom property using an Editbox. The custom property containing the key value can also be hidden to avoid unnecessary information.
Hierarchial list Select this to create a hierarchical lookup list. The hierarchical lookup list could be based on the user defined values or, it could be based on the values retrieved from the external data source.

The hierarchical lookup list main difference to the simple lookup list is that the hierarchical lookup list can contain multiple value levels. The value levels are in hierarchical order (parent nodes and their child nodes) and each level on the hierarchical lookup list could have up to 15 key values that can be linked to the desired CustomProperties.

In CustomProperties, the available items in combo box properties using hierarchical lookup list depends on the selection of the previous property except the combo box property that is associated to the highest level of the hierarchical lookup list.

Click Next to proceed to the List values definition page.

Related Topics

Lookup list options
Retrieve list values from the database
User defined list values

Manage your CustomTools add-in scripts in CustomTools Administration Tool

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