Combobox Options

Lookup list can be used with CustomProperty that type is Combobox or Editable Combobox.

Lookup list is a list of pre-defined values that can be selected from the combobox. If the type of the CustomProperty is Editable combobox, the value could be typed manually if it does not already exist in the list.

Selecting the Lookup List:

Lookup list to use Select the lookup list to be used with the custom property.
Lookup list type Type of the lookup list used with the property.
Simple The lookup list contains values defined a single column.
Key-value lists A simple lookup list that could have up to 15 key values.
Hierarchical A lookup list that have a hierarchical order.

Hierarchical list:

The following options are available only if the type of the selected lookup list is Hierarchical.

Source property The source property determines the parent level of the combo box. Available items in the combobox property depends on the parent selection.

NOTE: First combobox property using the hierarchical list in the CustomProperty Group does not have a specific source property because the first property is automatically considered as a parent property.
Indent Determines the list level where the value to the combobox is retrieved from.
Lookup list key Determines the key value to be retrieved into a CustomProperty from the selected lookup list.

List preview:

The List preview shows you a preview of the selected lookup list. If the selected lookup list type is Hierarchical, items that will appear into the combobox property are highlighted in the List preview by the light blue background color.

General Controls:

The general controls are included in all pages of the CustomProperty Wizard.

Back Return to the previous page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Next Proceed to the next page of the CustomProperty Wizard.
Finish Save the property and close the CustomProperty Wizard.

Related Topics

Setup your lookup lists in the Lookup list options

Tutorial: Bi-Directional Link to Microsoft Excel

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