Template Editor


The CustomProperties shown in the list are retrieved from the CustomTools Profile Options.

Other Template Settings:

Name Specifies the name of the CustomNotes Template.
Annotation Output Specifies the content for the CustomNote template. You can drag-and-drop the existing CustomProperties into the annotation from the properties list shown above the Name box.

Annotation Output Blob Colors:

CustomTools notes templates are used to create templates to be used with the Notes feature. With the CustomNotes Templates you can create notes that contain dynamic information based on the CustomProperties of the all available scopes. CustomProperties that belong to the different property scopes, are color coded in the Annotation Output box so that you can recognize the parts of the annotation output easier. The following colors are used to identify the blobs:

  Model property
  Cut-List property
  Drawing property
  Pre-defined function
  Invalid item

If you get the invalid item blob into the Annotation output of your CustomNotes Template, please ensure that the item selected in the annotation output exist and also check the spelling of the annotation output item names.

Related Topics

CustomNotes Templates
Create the CustomProperties to store your SOLIDWORKS document data into the CustomTools database
Use the Notes feature to add the customized notes into your SOLIDWORKS drawings

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