
The Notes is a drawing specific feature that can be used to insert notes into a drawings. The Notes cannot be used when the drawing is opened in the View only mode.

Adding a note using the CustomTools Basic Edition or the CustomTools Lite Edition, adds the (CustomTools Basic/Lite Edition) text to the end of the note specified by the user. In other CustomTools editions, the additional text does not appear into the note.

Use Existing Note:

Since the custom notes are stored into the database by the database users the notes are available for any other users in the database regardless the used profile.

User The database user to recieve existing notes from.
Existing Notes List of existing notes on the user selected in the User box.
Edit Activates the Selected Note box. You can edit the note text when the box is active.
Delete Deletes the selected pre-defined note.
Save Saves the changes you have made to the existing note. While the Selected Note box is active the Save button replaces the Edit button.

Add New Note:

Add New Note Specifies the note text. Type the desired note text into this box.

Template Note

Select the Template Note to insert a customized note into the drawing which is based on the CustomNotes Template. The CustomNotes Templates could be set up using the CustomNotes Templates options located in the CustomTools Database Options.

Info NOTE: The Database Administrator permission on the database level is required for modifying the CustomTools Database Options.

Note options:

Use Leader Adds a leader between the note and the component that has been selected. Name of the selected component is shown in the Attach To box.

Related Topics

Tutorial: CustomNotes

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