PDM Connectors

The PDM Connectors options are used to setup the integration between CUSTOMTOOLS and the SOLIDWORKS PDM. These options are available when you have a valid CUSTOMTOOLS PDM Connector license activated.

NOTE: The CUSTOMTOOLS PDM Connector is a CUSTOMTOOLS product that have to be purchased separately.

The PDM Connectors options are located in the CUSTOMTOOLS User Options.

Select the desired CUSTOMTOOLS product from the CUSTOMTOOLS Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the PDM Connectors options.

Enable PDM Connector Select this to enable the PDM integration with the settings in the PDM Settings options.
Name PDM user name.
Password Password of the PDM user typed in the Name box.
Connection Point Host name of the workstation where your PDM data vault is located at.
PDM Connector PDM System name.

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