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CTExtensionStoreExportSettings Method

Store arbitrary data to given export profile's data slot for your extension. You may store easily one string and one integer per export profile, or even unlimited bytearray.

To store settings that consider links to other CT objects, use StoreExportProfileLinkToDBObject(ICTExportProfile, SQLObjectType, Int32, Int32) so the object IDs are handled correctly in import/export.

Namespace:  CTExtensions
Assembly:  CTInterface (in CTInterface.dll)
public bool StoreExportSettings(
	ICTExportProfile oExportProf,
	string strData,
	int intData = 0,
	byte[] byteData = null


Type: ICTExportProfile
Profile to store data to
Type: SystemString
String data to store
intData (Optional)
Type: SystemInt32
Integer data to store
byteData (Optional)
Type: SystemByte
Bytearray data to store

Return Value

Type: Boolean
True if no error, false otherwise
See Also