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CTInterface Methods

The CTInterface type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddErrorToExportList
Call this while Export command is active to add error to specific listview row. After adding all possible errors, call VerifyExportListContent.
Public methodClearExportListError
When the Export dialog box is shown call this to remove a specific error from given listview row.
Public methodStatic memberGetSWDocManager
Get licensed instance of SOLIDWORKS Document Manager. Instance is available only if CTInterface has been initialized by CUSTOMTOOLS.
Public methodGetXMLData
When OnSaveToStoragePre is invoked (during document save-operation), this function can be used to retrieve current CustomScope data in XML. Modified data can be sent back for CUSTOMTOOLS with SetXMLData using the same key.
Public methodSetXMLData
When OnSaveToStoragePre is invoked (during document save-operation), this function can be used to manipulate CustomScope data in XML. Data that CUSTOMTOOLS was about to store can be accessed with GetXMLData using the same key.
Public methodVerifyExportListContent
When the Export dialog box is shown call this to verify content of given listview in the Export dialog box. Verification rules defined to the currently selected Export Profile are executed and possible errors added by add-in scripts are considered. The export window status is updated per verification result.
See Also