Click or drag to resize
ScriptButtonArgs Properties

The CTInterfaceScriptButtonArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDocType
Type of the document for which the menuitem is set.

DocType is defined in assembly SolidWorks.Interop.swconst.dll.

enum swDocumentTypes_e
   swDocNONE = 0,      /// NONE document
   swDocPART = 1,      /// PART document
   swDocASSEMBLY = 2,  /// ASSEMBLY document
   swDocDRAWING = 3,   /// DRAWING document
   swDocSDM = 4        /// SDM document
Public propertyHandled
Returns true if SetupButton(String, String, String) is called with valid parameters.
Public propertyHint
Getter for menuitem tooltip text defined with SetupButton(String, String, String).
Public propertyImageFile
Getter for menuitem bitmap filename defined with SetupButton(String, String, String).
Public propertyName
Getter for menuitem name defined with SetupButton(String, String, String).
See Also