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PreFileConversionArgs Properties

The CTInterfacePreFileConversionArgs type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBatchConversionRule
The conversion rule object that defines the setting of this conversion. Type is defined in assembly Interop.CTEngineLib.dll.
Public propertyCancelConv
True to cancel the conversion.
Public propertyResolvedName
Name of the conversion's output file. Set Succeeded to true in order to override the name.
Public propertySheetIndex
If SWDoc is a drawing document then this refers to drawing sheet index to be converted. If multiple sheets are embedded into some file then this is index of first sheet added. Index is 0 based. For model documents -1.
Public propertySheetOrConfigurationName
If SWDoc is a model then name of the configuration that is converted; if SWDoc is a drawing then name of the sheet.
Public propertySucceeded
True to override ResolvedName.
Public propertySWDoc
SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.ModelDoc2 from which the conversion is done. Note that if eg. DXF conversion from part is done, the document here is a drawing which is temporarily used in DXF-conversion process of the part. Type is defined in assembly SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.dll.
See Also