Processing Order of Documents

Printing order:

BOM / Current order Keeps the printing order as it is or as it is shown in the bill of materials (BOM).
Alphabetically Sorts the documents into the alpabethical order.

TIP: The alphabetical order can be changed by selecting ascending or descending by using the Sorting order options.
By property value Sort the documents based on the specific CustomProperty value.

Sorting order:

Ascending (0 -> 9) Sorts the documents by the specific value and starting from the smallest value.
Descending (9 -> 0) Sorts the documents by the specific value and starting from the biggest value.

Subassembly handling order:

Level by level Prints the documents separated to the groups by document levels.
Sub-assemblies first Processes the sub-assemblies before the parent assemblies.

Related Topics

See the defined print order
Setting up the batch process
Setup a selection filter to select documents based on a specific CustomProperty value

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