
CustomTools Administration Tool has an user interface called Ribbon which is based on the tabs and groups instead of the menu bar.

General tab:

The General tab contains commands e.g. for basic monitoring of CustomTools via Windows Event Viewer.

Command name Command description Ribbon group
Refresh Refresh Refreshes the Database View of Administration Tool.

View View Shows the CustomTools application level event log with help of Windows Event Viewer. Event Log
SendEmail Send Email Opens your default Email client program. You can send an email to CustomTools support team. The email address of the CustomTools support appears automatically into the To box. Event Log
Export Export Exports your current CustomTools event log into your desired location. Event Log

Database tab:

The Database tab contains commands to administrate your CustomTools databases.

Command name Command description Ribbon group
Properties Properties Shows the properties of your current Database server. You can also change the database server by using this feature. Server
RegisterDatabase Register Database Registers the desired CustomTools database which is located in the registered database server. Server
CreateDatabase Create Database Opens the database wizard for creating a new CustomTools database into the current database server. Server
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SetAsActive Set As Active Sets the selected CustomTools database as active. CustomTools uses the active database. Database Settings
Login Login Login to the selected database. Database Settings
Logout Logout Logs you out from the database where you are currently logged on. Database Settings
Options Database Options Opens the CustomOptions dialog box with the Database Options tab. Database Settings
Unregister Unregister Unregisters the selected database. Unregistering does not delete the database from the server. Database Settings
Delete Delete Deletes the selected database from the database server. Database Settings
Upgrade Upgrade Opens the CustomTools Database Upgrade Wizard.

In case you have just installed the latest CustomTools service pack, you are not allowed to login to your database until it has been upgraded to the latest version. To solve that issue, use the Database Upgrade Wizard to upgrade your database.
Database Settings
AddFeatures Add Features Add special features to CustomTools. The special features could be like Excel reporting feature that generates an Excel report from the model structure wiht help of the CustomTools Export feature. Database Settings
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Create Create Profile Create a new profile to the CustomTools database using a Profile Creation Wizard. Profile Settings
Import Import Profile Import CustomProfile that has been exported earlier from the CustomTools database. Profile Settings
CopyAsNew Copy As New Copies the selected CustomTools profile into the same database as a new profile. Profile Settings
Export Export Profile Export the selected profile to elsewhere. All the existing profiles should be exported as backups when planning to create a new database. Profile Settings
Delete Delete Profile Removes the selected profile from the CustomTools database. Profile Settings
Rename Rename Profile Change name of the selected CustomTools profile. Profile Settings
Permissions Permissions Manage the user rights of the selected CustomTools profile. Profile Settings
Options Profile Options Opens the CustomOptions dialog box with the Profile Options tab. Profile Settings

Related Topics

Administration Tool features

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