Custom Scope Properties

Setup the Custom Scope Properties to store matrix data to the document. The matrix data can be also exported with the model structure on export process of the Export feature. The document matrix data sets appear into the structure export file list as their own rows.

Custom Scope Properties Management:

New Creates new row into the user scoped matrix date based on the information provided by the Custom Scope Property fields.

NOTE: Available Custom Scope Property fields depends on the properties defined in the Custom Scope Property options.

Edit Edit selected matrix data row.

TIP: You can open the desired Custom Scope Property row for editing also by double clicking the Custom Scope Property row you would like to edit.

Delete Deletes the selected row from the matrix data.
Delete All Deletes all matrix data of the selected document.

Related Topics

Setup the Custom Scope Properties in CustomOptions
Use the Export command to export the model structure

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