CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Converter

With the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Converter, you can convert your existing CUSTOMTOOLS 3.x versions' CUSTOMTOOLS profile configuration files (*.cfg) to the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile files (*.ctprof) used in CUSTOMTOOLS 4.x and newer versions.

Migration Support from Other Programs:

With the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile converter, you can also convert configuration files of some other programs to the CUSTOMTOOLS profile file format (*.ctprof). The following source configuration file types are supported:

Once the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Converter is been installed, it appear into you CUSTOMTOOLS program menu located in the Windows Start menu.

The CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Converter can be used also from the Windows Command Prompt. In the Command Prompt, use the following syntax to convert your existing profiles:

Using Profile Converter from the Windows Command Prompt:

Usage CTProfileConverter.exe [Arguments]
Arguments Determines the options to be used to convert the old profile into the new format:
/output Sets the output path and the filename for the converted profile. (NOTE: This argument is required)
/input Sets the path and the filename of the source profile that you want to convert. (NOTE: This argument is required)
/ralcolor Sets the source path and the filename of the file that contains the RAL Color settings. (NOTE: This argument is optional)
/customcolor Sets the source path and the filename of the file that contains the Custom Color settings. (NOTE: This argument is optional)
Example CTProfileConverter.exe /output:NewProfile.ctprof /input:CustomTools.cfg

Conversion Arguments of Source File Types:

Refer to the following table to see the command line arguments available for the different source file types supported by the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Converter:

Source Profile File Type Available Arguments
Source Program File Extension /output /input /ralcolor /customcolor
Teamworks CPM 9 *.twx R R - -
ToolWorks *.sdhini R R - -
Table Legend
R Argument is required.
O Argument is optional.
- Argument is not available.

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