Odoo Login

The Odoo Login options are used to setup the integration between CUSTOMTOOLS and the Odoo ERP system. These options are available when you have a valid CUSTOMTOOLS Odoo ERP license activated.

NOTE: The CUSTOMTOOLS Odoo Login is a CUSTOMTOOLS product that have to be purchased separately.

The Odoo Login options are located in the CUSTOMTOOLS User Options.

Select the desired CUSTOMTOOLS product from the CUSTOMTOOLS Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Odoo Login options.

Enable Select the Enable option to turn ON the Odoo ERP integration with the options set in the Login Information options.
Username Username used in Odoo. Typically this username equals an email address used for the Odoo user account.
Password The Odoo account password.
Communication Point Web address of the Odoo database. You can copy this address from your web browser's address bar, while you are logged in to Odoo system.
Database The name of your Odoo database. Usually the name is the same as the web access provided in the Communication Point box but, without the http:// in the beginning and the .odoo.com at the end.
Test Connection A button for testing the connection between Odoo ERP and CUSTOMTOOLS defined by the options above.

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