
The sequences can be used to generate document codes. An unlimited number of sequences can be defined.

The sequences can be used to generate filename.

The Sequences options are located in the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Options.

elect the desired CUSTOMTOOLS product from the CUSTOMTOOLS Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the Sequences options.

Add Creates a new sequence.
Edit Edits an existing sequence.
Delete Delete the selected sequence(s).
Sequence Name of the sequence.
Min Value Displays the minimun value generated by the sequence. The minimum value also corresponds to the first number generated by the sequence.
Max Value Displays the maximum value generated by the sequence. The Next Value cannot be higher than the maximum value. The maximum value also corresponds to the last number that can be generated by the sequence.
Next Value Displays the next sequence number that will be generated by the sequence.
Format Data Displays how the sequence is generated. A string can contain alphanumeric values. (Hidden by default)
TIP: Right-click the list header to select the columns shown in the list.

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Tutorial: Using Sequences