Define colors based on the RAL color space system. RAL Colors could be assigned to the models through the Properties and, the color selected is also being applied to the selected SOLIDWORKS documents.
The RAL Color options are located in the Profile Options.
Select the desired CUSTOMTOOLS product from the CUSTOMTOOLS Products box to display the further and the product specific instructions to find the RAL Color options.
Import | Import RAL Colors from an external file. You can import the RAL Colors form a Comma-Separated Values (*.csv) file. |
Export | Export your RAL Colors to an external file. You can export the RAL Colors into a Comma-Separated Values (*.csv) file format. |
New | Creates a new RAL color. |
RGB | The code of the Color can be selected from RGB palette or defined manually by entering the RGB values. |
Delete | Removes the selected RAL Color. |
Delete All | Removes all RAL colors. |
Under the defined colors, you have the possibility to customize the colors by entering values of the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) palette, those values creates a mix.
Code | Defines the RAL code for the color. |
Name | Defines the name of the RAL color. |
Red | Defines the Red value for the RAL color. |
Green | Defines the Green value for the RAL color. |
Blue | Defines the Blue value for the RAL color. |
NOTE: The red, green and blue values have be in range between 0 and 255. |