Name | Type here the desired name of the new batch printing profile. |
![]() |
Print Profile Editor |
Create print profiles to manage the batch printing in your CUSTOMTOOLS environment. The print profiles can be scoped to the drawing sheets having specific sheet names or, you can define a print profile that is scoped to all drawings without any specific sheet name rules.
Name | Type here the desired name of the new batch printing profile. |
Sheets which name contains | Defines the conditions used to determine how to choose the drawing sheets on batch operation with this file conversion rule. You can add more advanced rules to choose the desired sheets by name by using the boolean operators. |
...and is referenced by model configuration |
Additional option related to the Sheets which name contains box to make the sheets to be selected also by the referenced model configuration.
For example if you have Sales* typed in the Sheets which name contains box and you have the and is referenced by model configuration option selected, the drawing sheets are selected if the sheet name and, the referenced model configuration of the sheet matches to the conditions. |
Select last active sheet if condition(s) not met | Use this option to ensure that the batch operation have at least one drawing sheet selected. When this option is selected, the last active drawing sheet is processed even if any sheet does not meet the conditions defined. |
TIP: You can separate the different sheets name rules using the Boolean Operators between the sheet names. Click the > button associated to the Sheets which name contain box to select the desired boolean operator. |
AND & | All specified criterias has to match exactly on a sheet name. |
OR | | Sheet gets selected if the sheet's name matches with one of the specified criterias. |
NOT ! | Ignore sheets which name match with the criterias defined in the Sheets which name contains box. |
TIP: Use the asterisk (*) character as wild char. With help of the wild char, you can set the desired criteria to be searched with all available name combinations.
Example: Sheet* = select all sheets which name starts with the word "Sheet". |
Please refer to a table under the Using the Boolean Operators sub-topic in this page for more information about using the booleans in the Sheets which name contains box.
CUSTOMTOOLS print profiles could filter the sheets to print. Filtering the sheets to print could be done by the sheet names using the boolean operators that are considered as the pre-defined functions. Pre-defined functions are color coded in the Sheets which name contains box so that you can recognize the parts of the format string easier. The following colors are used to identify the blobs:
Pre-defined function | |
Invalid item |
If you get the invalid item blob into the format string of your sheet name filter, please ensure that the item selected in the sheet name filter exist and also check the spelling of the sheet name filter item names.
The following examples shows how the boolean operators could be used to determine sheets' selecting rules based on the sheet names.
Boolean (symbol) | Syntax | Keywords in Sheet Names | Name Rule in Printing Profile | Description | Sheet Names to be Selected (Examples) |
AND (&) | <Keyword 1>&<Keyword 2>... |
Sheets which name contain the following words:
Layout&Sheet |
Keywords Layout and Sheet are looked for from names of the sheets included in drawings refereced by the models in a structure the Print/Convert is used to be executed against.
Sheets that name have both of the keywords included in an order they are defined in the selection rule, are included in the batch print operation. |
OR (|) | <Keyword 1>|<Keyword 2>... |
Sheets which name contain at least one of the following words:
Layout*|*Sheet* |
Keywords Layout and Sheet are looked for from the sheet names included in drawings referenced by the models in structure opened in the CUSTOMTOOLS Print/Convert feature. In this example, we also have some wild characters included in the keywords. Wild characters are considered as any set of characters in the sheet name.
Sheets that name starts with a word Layout or if the sheet name contain a word Sheet in anywhere, are included in the batch print operation. |
NOT (!) | !<Keyword 1>&!<Keyword 2>... |
Sheets that name does not contain the following words:
!*DXF*&!*DWG* |
Keywords DXF and DWG are looked for from the sheet names included in drawings referenced by the models in structure opened in the CUSTOMTOOLS Print/Convert feature. If a drawing's sheet name contain a word looked for, it is excluded from the batch print operation.
All other sheets except the ones that name contain a word defined in the selection rule, are selected and processed by the batch print operation. |
All other sheets are selected, but the ones named similar like shown in the following list are excluded: