YouTubeLink Create Property Group

Properties can be assigned to groups to ease their management.

You need to have at least one Property Group to create Properties.

The Property options are located in the CUSTOMTOOLS Profile Options.

Select the desired CUSTOMTOOLS product from the CUSTOMTOOLS Products box to display product specific instructions to find the Properties options.

Name Defines the name used by the Property Group.
Initial State Determines the default state of Property group.
Expanded The custom properties assigned to the expanded groups are visible when the Property pane is opened.
Collapsed The custom properties assigned to the collapsed groups are not visible when the Property pane is opened. The group of properties needs to be expanded in order to make them visible.
Last State Uses the last used initial state.
Group visible based on value of property Select Property used to control visibility of the selected Property Group.
Property value to set group visible Define a value that is looked for from the Property selected in the Group visible based on value of property box to control visibility of the selected group.
Example: A Property selected from the Group visible based on value of property box is desc1 and the value defined in the Property value to set group visible is BASE.

The selected Property Group is visible in the Properties pane if the desc1 property's value is BASE, otherwise the selected Property group is not shown in the Properties pane.
TIP: When the property used to handle the visibility of the selected group is an editbox type of property, type an asterisk (*) in the Property value to set group visible box to allow any value in the control property to set the selected property group visible.

Video Links:

Use the following video link to watch an instructive video about the Property groups' visibility management. The following video is located in the CUSTOMTOOLS YouTube channel. Video link opens in the new tab, or if you are opening the video link from the CUSTOMTOOLS offline helps, the video link opens in your default internet browser.

YouTubeLink Group Visibility Control Visibility of the Property Group could be managed based on the property value. If the value specified in the Property value to set group visible is detected in the Property selected in the Group visible based on value of property box, the property group appear in the Properties pane.

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